Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton, English is at the heart of our curriculum, following our belief that ‘We All Belong’. Our pupils should end their journey here with a love of reading, having been exposed to many opportunities to read a wide variety of authors and poets, both past and present.
How are we teaching this subject?
Our pupils begin their journey with Early Reading. All Pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1 take part in daily phonics lessons using the Read, Write, Inc. approach. This synthetic phonics programme is used to teach pupils how to sound out and blend letters in order to read words – a skill referred to as decoding. The structured teaching begins in reception, however some sounds are introduced in the nursery through the sharing of quality texts, learning and enjoyment of quality rhymes and playing lots of games which introduces them to oral blending and to hearing the different sounds. This leads them towards successfully reading with fluency and expression, with the expectation that by the end of Year 1 pupils will sit the Phonics Screening Test which is made up of 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. It is then our expectation that all pupils will be off the programme by Year 2 and moving onto Reading. Throughout the Early Reading approach, the children’s understanding of phonics is assessed and pupils are placed in groups according to which sounds they need to learn to move their reading forward. The children are regularly assessed to give them targeted support to help them read words with greater confidence.
Recognising that phonics is only part of the process of developing reading, as children move to Key Stage 2, they are introduced to key Reading Skills which are taught daily in a whole class approach. Within this approach, there is one session of explicit teaching of a skill and the following lessons focus on the reading skill based activity and a comprehension based activity where the children can consolidate their learning of the reading skill they have learnt that week. Fluency and a love of reading are promoted through each pupil’s opportunity to access the library weekly and read to their class teacher during the week. Also, children are given the opportunity within a reading lesson for paired reading, where they are given the chance to discuss books, practise their fluency
At North Beckton we recognise the value of modelling reading and each day children will be read to by an adult. This opportunity allows them to listen and simultaneously read along, and most importantly stretch their imagination and enjoy the wonders of a story.
Alongside Reading, we implement the CLPE scheme from Reception to Year 6 which is a text-based approach to our English lessons. The scheme allows us to choose a variety of texts, linked to the pupils’ interests but also texts where they can see themselves. Writing for purpose is a pivotal part of our pupils’ learning and offering them a variety of genres through not only CLPE but our Past, Present and Future topics allows them to engage and take pride in their learning.
Built into our English curriculum, are discrete weekly spelling and grammar lessons taught for 30 minutes each week. Alongside this, we are also implementing our progressive North Beckton Handwriting scheme. Pupils are able to use and apply their knowledge and skills throughout the week’s lessons and in a range of foundation subjects across the curriculum.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
Our goal by the end of pupils' time at North Beckton is for all pupils to be literate, reading with fluency and expression, able to write for a range of purposes and audiences and ensure that all of these skills are transferable into their next phase of education. We also aim to instil a love of reading and writing in all pupils throughout their time at North Beckton.
Examples of Good Work
Ways to help your child succeed in English:
Your child should have a login in for Spelling Shed. Here they can access different games to practise and learn their spellings each week.
Grammarsaurus - YouTube Channel – has lots of useful videos for different grammar rules.
BBC Bite size offers lots of different reading, writing and grammar explanations and games.
You can create a free login on Oxford Owl allowing you to access a range of different E-books, including those from our RWI Phonics scheme.
Books for Topics offers a range of different reading books that fit into most of our topics at school. They also categorise books into year groups and new arrivals, allowing you to explore a range of different topics and authors with your child.
Planning and Teaching:
Handwriting Skills Progression
Speaking and Listening Skills Progression
Book Lists:
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton, we aspire to prepare pupils with a unique set of mathematical tools to support them understand the world and how it operates. These tools include developing pupils’ fluency in maths, their ability in logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. We acknowledge maths as a core skill within our curriculum and as an interconnected subject that can be used by pupils to work systematically and accurately within different world contexts.
In line with the National Curriculum objectives, we have designed a sequenced maths curriculum that provides pupils with ample opportunities to be fluent in using the fundamentals of mathematics. Through the units: Number and Place Value, Measurement, Statistics and Geometry, pupils improve their ability in reasoning and problem-solving which increases their confidence and level of resilience in life.
On a daily basis, pupils discover new mathematical topics and are supported, challenged and encouraged to extend their understanding of Maths through ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approaches to learning. We strongly believe that developing pupils’ mathematical vocabulary and increasing their confidence in using maths in varied contexts, helps them to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject, known as maths mastery.
How are we teaching this subject?
At North Beckton, maths is taught daily across the school. Pupils start the academic year by focussing on Number and Place Value as fluency in this area is key to understanding other areas of maths. Lessons begin with stimulating starter activities that enable pupils to consolidate their prior learning and make connections with new mathematical concepts.
On a daily basis, children take part in mental maths strategy sessions in order to practise and strengthen their fluency in maths. Furthermore, they also benefit from revisiting topics in maths during ‘Rapid Recall’ sessions. These sessions allow teachers to assess children’s prior learning (what was learnt last lesson, last week and last term) in order to bridge the gaps and secure their mathematical understanding further in upcoming lessons.
During the course of the year, pupils learning in maths is assessed through a range of formative and summative assessments. These opportunities help to develop pupils’ confidence and resilience in solving mathematical problems independently. Teachers use the outcomes of these assessments to gauge pupils’ level of progress and determine future learning priorities.
Depending on the progress and learning needs of individual pupils, tailored maths interventions are arranged during school hours and as after school tuition clubs. As part of recognising and rewarding high levels of attainment in maths, pupils have the opportunity to participate in a range of local and regional maths competitions.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
All pupils understand the importance and relevance of maths in cross-curricular subjects as well as everyday life situations. Pupils enjoy maths lessons and are able to confidently articulate their learning of maths and apply their knowledge in alternative theoretical and practical contexts. Through a range of inclusive learning opportunities, pupils are able to consistently access learning in maths tailored to their needs, abilities and motivations.
Individualised support and scaffolding strategies boost pupils’ level of confidence and attainment in maths. All pupils are open to challenge and resiliently respond to mathematical problems. Pupils’ progress in maths is frequently monitored and tracked against the national standards to ensure they are making good progress and are prepared for the next stages of their lives.
Ways to help your child succeed in Maths:
- Try to make maths as fun as possible - games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start.
- Show your child how maths skills are used in everyday life.
- Help your child develop their problem-solving skills by talking about the problem and trying to work out the solution together.
- Encourage your child to practise and revise all work covered in school each week.
- Point out the different shapes to be found around your home.
- Take your child shopping and talk about the quantities of anything you buy.
- Let your child handle money and work out how much things cost.
- Look together for numbers on street signs and car registration plates.
- Encourage your child to tell the time. Ask questions such as: What time is it? How long do we have left?
- Encourage your child to explain their thought process in maths.
- Ensure you child is practising their times tables on a regular basis. Try testing them on the inverse. For example: 20 ÷ 5 = ? All children have access to TTRockstars which is an independent learning platform aimed at improving children’s knowledge in times tables.
There are also many websites that the children can visit to improve their maths knowledge.
Planning and Teaching:
Calculation Policy - Multiplication
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton the Science curriculum is a core aspect of pupils’ learning. Pupils develop their skills in scientific enquiry, strengthen their subject knowledge and feed their curiosity about scientific concepts.
Science is taught in order to build on children’s knowledge of the world around them. The curriculum allows pupils to use explorative skills to answer questions. All Science lessons objectives are derived from the National Curriculum and are in line with the relevant age groups.
In the Early years children will be taught Science through ‘Understanding The world’. Children will have the chance to take part in hands on experiences that will link to key events that are relevant to them. Children in the Early Years will also get the chance to take part in continuous outside exploration and look closely at living things, seasonal changes and their own environment through the provision of Forest Schools.
Throughout Key Stages one and two children will not only acquire new knowledge and understanding of specific topics but they will get the chance to take part in experiments and investigations in order to develop their scientific mind. Children will learn and adopt scientific skills such as collecting data, sorting, classifying, measuring, researching and testing. Children will also be expected to pronounce and use key vocabulary and scientific language.
The children at North Beckton are curious, inquisitive and enthusiastic about learning new things in Science.
How are we teaching this subject?
Through hands-on investigations and experiments, pupils will understand the nature, processes and methods of Science. Pupils will also learn about great scientists of the past, today’s new inventions and question what science in the future may look like.
The focus of pupils' learning will be on developing core skills that are required to understand and comprehend scientific concepts and apply these to real life.
Science is taught every half-term in a weekly block so that pupils can get really engrossed in the skills and concepts they are learning that week. Teachers maintain quality first teaching throughout all subjects and use this time each term to really delve deep into the world of science.
This year we have introduced a weekly science skills lesson where children are able to delve deeper in to their upcoming science topic as well as consolidate learning through lots of practical and exciting hands-on investigations such as growing mould, exploring conditions for plant growth and exploring the changing seasons. We focus on 7 key scientific skills: observing and measuring, predicting, recording data, communicating results, evaluating, asking questions and setting up tests. We have been using skills icons in our lessons to teach children the correct scientific vocabulary and understanding of investigative language.
Each year parents are invited to visit the school for a ‘Science Fair’ to be able to have a chance to see children’s learning in science and to see the development of skills in science from Early Years all the way to Year 6.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
Science is a subject that builds on children's curiosity. Therefore, learning will be evident in pupils who question and explore the world around them. They will be building on prior curriculum knowledge each year as they progress through school, which will enable them to develop key science skills, but also gain a deeper understanding into things like how the human body functions, how plants grow and affect the environment, electricity and many other scientific concepts. They will also be able to use this knowledge and skill base to support them in other areas of their learning, such as creating charts for maths and writing up experiments in English.
Examples of Good Work in School
Ways to help your child succeed in Science:
There are a number of ways to help you child succeed in developing their scientific mind.
- Go for walks in the environment and ask questions about what they can see and changes around them.
- Spend time researching with the children to answer queries they have.
- Watch documentaries about plants, animals and human life on earth.
- Cook with children and talk about healthy eating habits and how specific food provides different types of nutrition.
Science Champions
Mrs. Ahmed, our Science Lead, has been working closely with our newly appointed Science Champions, and we’re thrilled to share the exciting plans they unveiled during today’s assembly!
Starting next week, our Science Champions will be leading the way in bringing fun and curiosity to lunchtimes by demonstrating one exciting experiment each week on the playground. From fascinating reactions to hands-on learning moments, these experiments are sure to spark wonder and inspire a love of science.
Elephant Tootpaste Experiment
Materials Needed:
- Plastic bottle or clear glass jar
- Hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration for safety)
- Dish soap
- Food colouring
- Warm water
- Dry yeast
- Funnel
- Tray to catch the foam
- Safety goggles
The children thoroughly enjoyed this.
Lava Lamp Experiment
The Science Champions demonstrated how to make their very own lava lamp right here.
Materials Needed:
- Vegetable oil
- A few drops of food colouring
- Baking powder
- Vinegar
To read more about the Science Curriculum – Follow the link:
Progression of skills
Curriculum Map
Scientific Skills icons
Science is beyond the classroom - If you would like to further your learning and knowledge of Science use the links below for revision and challenge activities:
Key Stage 1:
Key Stage 2:
Planning and Teaching:
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
History at North Beckton focus on creating learners that can apply a range of historical knowledge, enquiry and skills through learning. From this, children gain an understanding of significant events that enable them to know their past in order to use their present to mould their future.
Our learning in History aligns with elements of the National curriculum whilst being tailored to the ‘ethos’ of belonging to their community and is within the children’s context. This allows them to reflect on their history and personal connections by learning about what is relevant to them.
How are we teaching this subject?
The majority of History is taught during the Autumn and Spring terms reflecting the past and present themes within the foundation curriculum. The subject content then acts as a foundation and driver for the following subject areas that term to create a thematic approach across the curriculum. This provides a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience cross-curricular learning and apply their historical knowledge in different ways.
As they move through, pupils develop a chronological sense of significant historical events and people, in a fun and dynamic way. The sequence of content taught is designed to build upon bigger themes such as empire and civilisation whilst reflecting the pupils' context of living in East London which enables them to see themselves and make personal connections throughout their learning.
Over time, they are able to compare, evaluate and make connections between past and present events and articulate this confidently.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
Equipped with these transferable skills the children are able to use their knowledge in other contexts, learn successfully and most importantly be a resilient, well-rounded learner and member of their community. Pupils will leave North Beckton with foundational, contextual historical knowledge about the area they live and study in.
During their time at North Beckton pupils' content will be taught using the historical progression of skills which pupils will build on, use and apply to become a successful Historian who is able to enquire, compare, evaluate and articulate their learning.
Ways to help your child succeed in History:
Planning and Teaching:
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
Our aims at North Beckton are to develop Geographers who are able to apply geographical skills such as map reading and interpreting data collected from fieldwork in different contexts to explore and understand the world around them.
The Geography curriculum centres around topics that reflect the pupil’s context, enabling them to relate to and make personal connections with their learning, whilst aligning itself with elements of the national curriculum supported by framework of skills that progress throughout the school.
How are we teaching this subject?
Geography is taught within the present and future elements of our whole curriculum offer, primarily in the Spring and Summer terms often supporting cross-curricular learning links with other foundation subjects creating a theme to tie the terms learning together.
Pupil’s learning focus on developing core skills such as place knowledge, human and physical impacts and comparing features of regions through topics that reflect their learning context and feed into our past, present and future curriculum approach.
Each year group undertakes a fieldwork study enabling them to apply their skills to their local area and embed learning.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
Through this tailored Geography curriculum a successful learner is able to use the content they have learnt to build a progression of transferable skills.
The children will have an awareness of a place, and they will know that there is a history behind all places and spaces that have been shaped by climate and humans.
Over time, they will be able to draw on the geographical skills that they have learnt to help them to understand and explore the world around them and be able to articulate this confidently.
Examples of Good Work
Ways to help your child succeed in Geography:
Planning and Teaching:
R.E and Collective Worship
What are your aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton, Religious Education (RE) forms an integral part of the curriculum. It allows our pupils to develop, throughout all the key stages their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion.
We follow the Newham Agreed Syllabus for our RE lessons which is agreed by Newham SACRE and the local authority. SACRE is made up of local teachers, leaders and councillors. This ensures the RE that is taught at North Beckton is agreed by our local community
At North Beckton, pupils regularly receive high quality RE. Our aim is to develop pupils who are religiously literate and are able to embody our ‘We All Belong’ ethos. They will be able to demonstrate tolerance and respect towards religions and world views that are different to their own.
How are we teaching this subject?
Each half-term a week of afternoon Topic lessons is dedicated to the teaching and learning of RE as part of our broad and balanced curriculum.
Whilst at North Beckton, pupils are given opportunities to learn about the 6 main religions; Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, with opportunities to explore other world views such as humanism. This contributes to our broad and balanced curriculum where pupils develop the ability to express and communicate ideas related to religions and world views and apply this to the world around them.
The use of questions and questioning throughout the RE curriculum enables pupils to develop their skill in order to help them make sense of and respond to the world in which they live.
Annually, pupils undertake a visit to a local ‘place of worship’ linking to their learning.
How do we know our pupils are succeeding?
Through our curriculum pupils are able to use the content they have learnt to build a progression of transferable skills.
Pupils will have an awareness of the six main religions and world views. They will be able to compare, evaluate and make connections between them with confidence.
Equipped with these skills they are able to use their knowledge in other contexts, learn successfully and most importantly be a respectful, understanding and compassionate member of their community who understands that we live in a world where ‘We All Belong’.
Examples of Good Work
Ways to help your child succeed in R.E:
Religious Education -
Newham Value of R.E film -
Planning and Teaching:
R.E Syllabus Knowledge Table 2022
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton we want to nurture creativity amongst our pupils through instilling a love of Music. Music sits within the “Our Place” area of our curriculum in the Arts faculty. We develop transferable musical skills the pupils can build on each year, and take into secondary school and beyond, such as composing, listening and appreciating and performing. The subject also incorporates teamwork, creativity, confidence and a love of the arts. Our Music skills overview clearly reflects the progression in this subject within each year group and across the key stages.
Our Music curriculum centres on the importance of where the pupils are from and instils a sense of pride in them about where they are living and its characteristics. The subject reflects the pupils, what is relevant to them, and it grows and develops as they do.
How are we teaching this subject?
We teach music in KS1 and LKS2 through the Charanga scheme. This is in line with our skills' progression document. The pupils learn musical vocabulary, singing and use percussion instruments as well as developing their composing.
In UKS2, we teach keyboard and guitar through an external instrumental teacher. The pupils learn how to play the instruments in small group sessions along with performance skills and some music theory.
Alongside this, our Music curriculum directly links with our EYFS areas of learning, complementing the Expressive Art and Design strand.
We also link music to our collective worship, incorporating music relevant to the diversity of the school and the pupil’s background and area to inspire them.
North Beckton pupils have been working with the London Symphony Orchestra and has a performing arts partnership with Kingsford Community School to run music workshops with our pupils.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Through this curriculum, the pupils are able to build on their musical knowledge year after year. The progression of skills allows the pupils to do more, know more and remember more.
Pupils are able to articulate their learning as well as discuss and critique each other’s. They will also be able to make links within Music and across other artistic subjects.
We want pupils to have a genuine love and passion for music through our curriculum and become confident musicians in their future, in and beyond North Beckton.
Ways to help your child succeed in Music:
Planning and Teaching:
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
At North Beckton, our computing curriculum is designed to equip all pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a digital world. Our ethos of 'We All Belong' is at the heart of our curriculum, and we believe that computing plays a vital role in creating an inclusive and diverse society. The subject sits within the ‘Our Place’ section in our North Beckton curriculum and focuses on pupils knowing and understanding the skills they need in order to live in an ever-changing technological world.
Our computing curriculum is designed to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their computational thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy skills, whilst also encouraging creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Through it, pupils will have access to a wide range of technologies, including coding, robotics (BeeBots and MicroBits), and multimedia software, which will allow them to explore and experiment with new ideas and concepts.
We recognise that computing is not only essential for future success but also plays a significant role in shaping our society. Our curriculum intends to instil a sense of responsibility in pupils towards digital citizenship, data privacy and online safety. We aim to prepare pupils for the challenges and opportunities of the future, ensuring that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world.
In summary, our curriculum is designed to create confident, curious, and responsible pupils who are well-equipped to succeed in a digital future. Through our inclusive and diverse approach, we aim to empower all pupils to realise their full potential and contribute positively to society.
How are we teaching and assessing your subject?
At North Beckton, we follow the Teach Computing curriculum. The curriculum, designed by subject experts and including the latest research, ensures excellent progression of knowledge and skills.
Throughout the year, pupils do six units of Computing; covering Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Sciences. In addition to this, they receive a weekly ‘Basic Skills’ lesson which teaches foundational skills such as mouse control, typing and file saving. As part of this, pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 look at how to use Google Classroom effectively to enhance their learning. The ‘Basic Skills’ lesson also ensures that pupils are able to re-visit prior learning to maximise consolidation and progression.
We understand the vital importance of E-safety and dedicate a significant amount of time to it. Whole school days, in collaboration with our Time 4 Us curriculum, are specifically designed to improve pupils' understanding of internet safety and how to stay safe online. Each unit within our curriculum also refers to E-safety within the context of their learning.
Pupils are assessed on their knowledge of their computing unit and evidence of this can be found on Google Classroom and any of the programs used (e.g., Scratch or J2E). Formative assessment is the primary form of assessment used within our curriculum. We understand that to progress in Computing, immediate feedback and support needs to be offered and this is built into our lessons. We use summative assessment at the end of each unit in the form of a specially designed Google Forms Quiz. These quizzes allow us to obtain data regarding pupil progress and ensure that no child is left behind.
For more information about the curriculum we use, please see:
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Equipped with the transferable technological skills that they learn; pupils are able to use their knowledge in different contexts. For example, they are able to apply the skills of debugging and sequencing to edit their writing and problem solve in maths, or create presentations and podcasts on their own interests.
In addition, pupils learn to identify computational solutions to real-life challenges and develop the confidence to apply their knowledge beyond the classroom. This helps support their resilience and critical and logical thinking.
Through their E-safety lessons, we empower pupils to become compassionate and responsible digital citizens who understand the benefits and risks of digital teamwork and sharing information online.
Examples of Good Work:
This is a website created by a year six child.
Year two using cameras and how to edit photos.
Year one creating images using ‘Paint’
Ways to help your child succeed in Computing:
In order to help your child develop outside of the classroom, try these hints and tips.
- Talk abut the technologies that we use in our lives and how they work
- Use the internet tgether to research a project that they have interest in. This will demonstrate safe internet usage and develop their researching skills, linking to other areas of the curriculum
- Encurage them to create on a computer (use some of the website links below for more ideas)
- Discuss, withut judgement, how to stay safe online (website links to support this are below)
Some useful websites:
Here are some of the computing skills we cover at North Beckton Primary School:
Here are some useful links that include hints and tips for keeping their child safe online:
Here are some of the programmes that we use in our lessons:
Planning and Teaching:
Modern Foreign Languages
What are our aims and vision for the subject?
North Beckton Primary School is an inclusive multicultural community with children and staff from almost every continent. Children are intrinsically interested in sharing and learning about other cultures and ways of life. The teaching of Spanish provides the basic skills for communication, understanding and inclusion that underpins NBPS curriculum as well as its very diverse and inclusive ethos.
Our curriculum is a set of vocabulary rich units that provide the context for children to master the vocabulary through listening, speaking and writing skills that develop with the children as they move through the school to create confident communicators.
Phonics and Grammar are fed through the MFL curriculum to encourage the application of both in lessons.
How are we teaching and assessing your subject?
The curriculum aims to provide lessons that engage, motivate and challenge pupils so that they can build on and develop their knowledge. MFL lessons are taught weekly and involve speaking, listening, reading, writing with insight into the people, culture and traditions of other countries weaved through each unit of work.
As well as real life scenarios, pupils are given opportunities to listen, use and develop their language skills through the use of games, role play, fairy tales, songs, poems and rhymes. Learning and rehearsing patterns and sounds in the Spanish language that will enable pupils to develop accurate pronunciation.
Spanish offers many opportunities for cross curricular learning such as the use of poetry and drama, counting, calculations, time, date and money as well as parts of the body, animals and habitats.
ICT, Internet, video and audio and other media are used for research, the presentation of data and for showcasing performances. Work relating to the study of the physical and cultural features of other countries, customs, celebration of festivals, storytelling, music, art, calendars, family trees of famous people, points of the compass and weather provide content linked to other foundation subjects in the curriculum
How do you know your child is succeeding?
By the end of Year 6 successful learners will be able to understand simple spoken and written language, to take part in short conversations, to write simple sentences, and to understand about different cultures. By becoming confident users and learners of a new language they will increase their understanding of how language works and will be able to use their language learning strategies to become independent learners in any language
Ways to help your child succeed in Modern Foreign Languages:
There is a wide range of free available media to learn Spanish. These are some useful websites and applications.
Lessons and resources including video clips:
Planning and Teaching:
P.E (Physical Education)
What are our aims and visions for the subject?
At North Beckton, we provide a broad and varied range of physical activities from Nursery to Year 6; this is so that all our pupils can develop a variety of basic movement skills through dance and gymnastics, an understanding of different sports and develop essential teamwork qualities. We are keen that all our pupils develop a love of exercise and an understanding of healthy lifestyles whilst with us at North Beckton so that they can take these essential life skills with them to their, Secondary Schools and into adult life. Pupils are encouraged to share their voices, express themselves and explore with freedom. Two of our key values are ‘Our Voice’ and ‘Our Place’, which we believe is essential in ensuring that sense of community. PE enables pupils to feel that they belong to a community, our community. Our PE curriculum overview clearly reflects the progression in this subject within each year group and across the Key Stages. All pupils from Reception to Year 6 have access to two hours of P.E per week with additional after-school sports clubs and lunchtime activities offered. In Key Stage 1, pupils master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing agility, balance and co-ordination (ABC’s). This develops further in Key Stage 2 where pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learn how to use them in different ways and how to link them to create actions and sequences of movement. These fundamental skills are developed through teaching gymnastics, dance, multi-skills and games.
How are we teaching this subject?
In Key Stage 2, pupils also have the opportunity to develop their teamwork and communication skills through outdoor adventurous activities, including opportunities to stay away from home through residential visits such as Fairplay House, Essex. During these stays, they undertake activities such as caving, orienteering, water sports and high rope courses to help develop their resilience and build their self-esteem. Year 6 pupils also receive a 2-week block of swimming lessons to enable them to develop their swimming skills ahead of moving to Secondary school. All pupils at North Beckton get the opportunity to learn to ride a bike; this starts in EYFS with balance-bikes and progressing up to Key Stage Two pupils undertaking their Bikeability Level 1 and Level 2 in order to be able to cycle safely on the roads around our community. We are part of the TTLT Sports Hub and aim to give all pupils the opportunity to represent our school in at least one sports competition or festival each year. Pupils will also have the opportunity to experience inter- and intra- school competitions as they progress through the school including during their PE lessons and in lunchtime competitions.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Through the PE curriculum, the pupils are able to apply the skills and knowledge learnt to a variety of different sports and real-life situations and understand, complete and deliver different performances in their dance and gymnastics lessons. Using these situations, they will develop resilience and competitiveness. They will use teamwork and communication skills across different subject areas.
Pupils should be able to embed their knowledge of these skills by being able to assess and evaluate their own progression as well as others. Pupils will be able to share their learning and develop a love of exercise, sport and understand what a healthy lifestyle is.
Examples of Good Learning:
Ways to help your child succeed in PE:
There are a range of resources and websites that you can use for your child to develop their way of thinking through sport and to increase their knowledge of Physical Education.
Association for Physical Education (AFPE)
FA Premier League Primary Stars
Primary school PE Sport England
Planning and Teaching:
Time For Us
What are our aims and visions for the subject?
At North Beckton, we provide a broad and varied statutory PSHE national curriculum, which we call ‘A Time For Us.’ It has been developed to ensure our pupils receive an outstanding personal, social and health education which is tailored to meet their needs. Our curriculum has been specifically tailored and designed for the children of this community within the context of their community. We believe that these lessons are an integral and essential part of the children's learning at North Beckton. We are equipping our children with the knowledge and understanding that they need in order for them to develop positive relationships, be resilient and safe individuals; not just today, but tomorrow and for the rest of their lives, both in school, at home and in the outside world.
We provide a dedicated time every week for discussion and talk where pupils have a safe space to use their voices and express themselves and explore with freedom. Two of our key values are ‘Our Voice’ and ‘Our Place’ which we believe it is essential in ensuring that sense of community. P4C (Philosophy for Children) enables pupils to feel that they belong to a community, our community. It also aims to prepare children for modern life in Britain, to develop the skill set to become well-rounded individuals.
How are we teaching this subject?
All pupils from Reception to Year 6 have minimum of an hour of A Time For Us and P4C (Philosophy for Children) learning. These are alternated each week.
The Time For Us curriculum covers the six key areas throughout the year of: Respect; Positive relationships; Media literacy and digital resilience; Keeping safe; Ourselves and Aspirations. We also have a planned programme of relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) which tackles issues such as; boundaries and consent, recognising abusive relationships, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), sexual harassment and sexual violence. Specific issues relating to challenges our community face are reflected in specific workshops or enrichment activities such as Gang and Knife workshops for our Year 6 pupils.
One day a term, we collapse our timetable to create our 'Days for Us' where one focus area is looked at in depth, for example Autumn 2 focusing around ‘Positive relationships and Spring 1 we have ‘Safer Internet Day' where both pupils and parents have dedicated sessions on how to stay safe online. The progressive Keeping Safe outcomes are revisited throughout the year during these lessons which culminates in our Keeping Safe day in Summer 2.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Our ‘Time For Us’ curriculum encourages our children to build and maintain a variety of positive relationships with the peers and adults around them, and to understand what a positive, healthy relationship is. This enables them to recognise and manage the various feelings and emotions that they may experience throughout different relationships and when and where to go to for help and support if they need it.
Our Philosophy for Children approach into our curriculum, enhances pupils' thinking and communication skills, as well as boosting confidence and self-esteem. It develops our pupils into critical, caring, creative and collaborative thinkers who are able to share their views and opinions, as well as justifying their reasons why.
Examples of Good Work:
Ways to help your child succeed in Time For Us:
There are a range of resources and websites that you can use for your child to develop their way of thinking through Time For Us and to increase their knowledge in thinking, communicating and developing in their confidence and self-esteem.
Educational Mental Health Practitioner
Planning and Teaching:
Year 1 Curriculum Map 2023 - 24
Year 2 Curriculum Map 2023- 24
Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023 - 24
Year 4 Curriculum Map 2023 - 24
What are our aims and visions for the subject?
At North Beckton we want to nurture creativity amongst our pupils through instilling a life-long appreciation of Art. This subject sits within the “Our Place” area of our curriculum in the Arts faculty.
In Art, pupils are encouraged to explore their ideas and take risks to achieve creative outcomes. Throughout their time at North Beckton, pupils develop their skills in painting, drawing, printing and sculpture. As pupils progress through the school they build on their independence, and are encouraged to make their own choices regarding media and techniques.
Like all parts of our curriculum, Art is designed to be relevant to the pupils of North Beckton. Where possible, projects undertaken are inspired by or linked to the local area. Pupils are encouraged to take inspiration from what they see around them and draw inspiration from a wide range of notable artists throughout history to the present day.
How are we teaching this subject?
As the school terms progress, this subject rotates through the key skills of drawing, painting, printing and sculpture. This enables our pupils the chance to revisit and build on previously learnt techniques. Alongside this, pupils are made aware of a wide variety of artists from history as well as contemporary times including those who are producing work in East London today.
As part of the expressive art and design early learning goal in EYFS, pupils are encouraged to use a range of materials and their imagination to produce artwork.
Where possible art is linked into all areas of the curriculum, for example, in Spring term pupils across the school created sculptures to reflect their learning in Geography. In addition to this, Art is frequently used in English as a way of visualising and responding to texts.
At North Beckton, we understand how art can be used to nurture and further inspire pupils to develop confidence and build resilience. As a result, some of our pupils have the opportunity to participate in an art nurture group lead by a specialist teacher. Furthermore, Art is frequently used within our Place2Be provision due to its therapeutic elements.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
The aim of this curriculum is for pupils to leave our school inspired by what they see in the world around them and to have the confidence to make creative decisions.
By being given more artistic freedom as the school years progress, our pupils are empowered to make their own artistic choices: they may favour one medium over another or find inspiration in subject areas in line with their own preferences, just as artists do.
Art – Autumn
Last Autumn, for our first Art project, the children created paintings. As the skill of drawing underpins everything we do in Art across the curriculum, the children began by either learning, practising or consolidating their mark making, rendering and sketching skills using pencils, pastels and charcoal.
They quickly moved on to considering the work of past ‘Trail Blazers’ such as Leonard Da Vinci, Jackson Pollock and Frida Kahlo. Drawing inspiration from these past practitioners, the classes produced paintings utilising new and embedded skills. For example, in Year 1, the children were introduced to paint splattering, dribbling and dripping. In Year 2 the pupils practised colour mixing, in Year 3 they spent time using paint to create different marks. In year 4, through their work, the children considered the effects of high colour contrast. In Years 5 and 6, the children experimented with using different media alongside paint. They were also encouraged to make more of their own creative decisions, in readiness for a more demanding curriculum in Key Stage Three and beyond.
Planning and Teaching:
Design and Technology
What are our aims and visions for the subject?
At North Beckton, our Design and Technology curriculum is part of ‘Our Place’ section in our curriculum. It aims to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to become successful and creative problem-solvers in a rapidly changing technological world.
Through our curriculum, we aim to inspire our students to develop a passion for technology and an understanding of its significance in their lives and future careers. We encourage them to explore different materials, tools and techniques to design and create innovative products, systems and solutions that meet the needs of themselves and others; this is representative of our school ethos ‘We All Belong’.
We promote a collaborative learning environment where our students work together to share ideas, communicate and collaborate on projects. We believe that this approach helps our students develop their social and emotional skills, including teamwork, communication and problem-solving.
Within KS2 our curriculum also focuses on the importance of sustainability and ethical considerations in Design and Technology. We encourage our students to think critically about the impact of their designs on the environment and society.
Overall, our Design and Technology curriculum aims to instil in our students a love for technology, a sense of belonging, and the skills and knowledge they need to become successful and responsible citizens in the future.
How are we teaching this subject?
At North Beckton we teach lessons that are engaging, practical and challenging to students/pupils. This involves designing and building structures, sewing with textiles and learning about mechanical systems. We adapt our activities and resources to support the needs of all pupils including SEND children.
Through practical and engaging tasks, pupils at North Beckton will be skilled to understand the impacts of DT has on their daily lives and the wider community, as well as looking at ways to improve it.
To equip our pupils for this, North Beckton aims to develop pupil’s by providing them with tasks through a clear process of designing and making.
Researching - children will be encouraged to understand technological processes and products, their manufacture and their contribution to society. Through researching children will be able to identify how design and technology shapes society and the world around them.
Designing – children will be encouraged to think of creative, imaginative, and technical ways to meet the design brief relating to different DT areas. Designs can be created with reference to previous products and labelled diagrams.
Making – Children will be encouraged to think of creative, imaginative and technical ways to meet the design brief. Children will look at adapting products when faced with challenges.
Evaluating – Children will be encouraged to investigate and analyse a range of existing products as well as critique, evaluate and test their ideas.
An integral part of the teaching of DT at North Beckton is our children being reflective of their work, by making choices throughout the designing and making process. This supports the children. Each unit will build upon prior learning and build upon these areas year on year to ensure we are developing upon embedding the language into pupil’s long-term memory.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Pupils will be able to articulate confidently about what they have been learning and put into practice physical skills that they have been taught – designing, making and evaluating. Their knowledge and skills should be aligned with that of their relevant Year Group/ Key Stage which can be found here.
Ways to help your child succeed in Time For Us:
Here are some useful links that support the learning of Design and Technology at home.
BBC Bitesize: KS2 Design and Technology
BBC Bitesize: KS1 Design and Technology
The Design Museum – Design Ventura
Technology Student
Planning and Teaching:
E.A.L - (English as an Additional Language)
What are our aims and visions for the subject?
At North Beckton, we have a very diverse group of pupils for whom English is an Additional Language. Above 60 % of our pupils have English as an additional language. Our school is an inclusive multicultural community with children and staff from almost every continent. We value our diversity and focus on equipping pupils with speaking, listening, and writing skills that can be applied in a range of situations through learning.
Majority of our pupils speak English proficiently alongside their home language, but some children who join our school do require additional support with English. Therefore, we have various approaches to support pupils who are new to English.
Within our school, we have direct access to Forest School and Edible Playground (purpose built allotment) where our pupils can access real life experiences and objects, supporting their language development further and strengthening their belonging to the North Beckton community.
How are we teaching this subject?
At North Beckton, we strongly believe that pupils learn best when they feel secure and valued. EAL is not a subject; the learners have a double job to do: learn English through English at the same time!
Thanks to the continuous Professional Development our teachers are able to support various language level learners in class to learn, develop and apply new vocabulary and sentence structures across all areas of our Curriculum.
In addition, we also provide a bespoke intervention programme to ensure our new to English pupils have effective opportunities for speaking and listening, reading and writing. This enables our pupils to be learners that are more independent and who can transfer gained language skills across to other subjects and experience engaging cross-curriculum learning daily. Furthermore, if there is a need, the programme is adapted and tailored to suit the individual needs of each pupil.
How do you know your child is succeeding?
Through an individually tailored EAL approach, our pupils are able to use speaking, listening, reading and writing they have learnt to build a progression of transferable skills that support their belonging to our community, resilience and boost self-confidence. Over time, pupils will be able to articulate confidently what they are learning, compare, evaluate and make connections between past and present, and voice their predictions for the future.
Ways to help your child succeed in EAL:
Useful resources to help your child succeed in learning English language:
Planning and Teaching: